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Finding an investment that’s right for you

Updated: Sep 12, 2018

There are many different types of investments out there to choose from, most promising you a get rich quick scheme, myself and others have found these to be generally high risk with a very low chance of any return on investments. We at Gele Investments Ltd have a more Holistic view on the whole investments system and will not make wild promises on returns that can be made through investing with ourselves.

We are looking at a more long-term return on investments and hope to act more responsibly than some of the other players in the field. Producing a win-win for both you the investor and the local communities that we operate in.

One of our first projects is a tour operator who will provide package holidays to the Philippines from the UK. As part of this operation we are setting up various separate entities. Building five tourist complexes over the next 10 years, setting up and running a new tourist transport system between our complexes, airports, ports, landmarks. We also plan to bring in large transport helicopters, for both transport to the more remote destinations and sight seeing from the air. We will be the only approved operator to be able to fly over Mount Mayon during active eruptions, due to specially adapted state of the art helicopters due to enter service in 2020.

In addition, our other business will provide tourist information services, maps, souvenirs and many more services and products. At this time there are firm plans to build a call centre for our business operations in the Philippines, construction is planned for April 2019 on confirmation that the final paperwork been completed.

Past performance of investments is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and the income from investments may fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Clients may not recover the amount invested. The investments mentioned on this website are not suitable for all types of investors. Investment advice should always be sought from a qualified investment adviser before any investment is made.

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